



                         歯周治療学講座 教授 小方頼昌































1.小方頼昌 教授



2.中山洋平 准教授


3.吉野祥一 専任講師


4.高井英樹 専任講師




5.目澤優 専任講師




6.加藤彩子 助教




7.蔦森麻衣 専修医




8.相羽悠喜子 専修医




9.能田佳祐 専修医




10.高井瑞穂 専修医




11.齋藤由未 専修医




12.井澤侑美 専修医




13.小田香織 専修医




14.伊藤正一 専修医




15.松田英雄 専修医




16.鶴屋祐人 大学院生




17.山口亜利彩 大学院生




1  小方頼昌 ウシエナメリンの分離精製とモノクローナル抗体および2次元電気泳動による同定 歯科基礎医学会雑誌 29, 692-706, 1987.

2  Shimokawa H, Ogata Y, Sasaki S, Sobel ME, Mcquillan CI, Termine JD, Young MF. Molecular cloning of bovine amelogenin cDNA. Adv Dent Res 1, 293-297, 1987.

3  Ogata Y, Shimokawa H, Sasaki S. Purification, characterization, and biosynthesis of bovine enamelins. Calcif Tissue Int 43, 389-399, 1988.

4  Goseki M, Oida S, Ogata Y, Sasaki S. Immunological differentiation of human universal type alkaline phosphatases by a monoclonal antibody to the human bone cell enzyme. Clinica Chimica Acta 180, 189-192, 1989.

5  Ogata Y, Shimokawa H, Sasaki S. Calcium binding activity of bovine enamelins. Dentistry in Japan 26, 51-55, 1989.

6 Ogata Y, Yokota Y, Niisato N, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Presence of endogenous chemotactic factors for periodontal ligament cells in bovine cementum and bone. Archs Oral Biol 39, 529-533, 1994.

7 Yokota Y, Niisato N, Ogata Y, Moriwaki K, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Bradykinin stimulates Ca2+ release from inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive pool, which is insufficient for prostaglandin E2 release in human gingival fibroblasts. Biomed Res 15, 391-397, 1994.

8 Goseki M, Oida S, Takeda K, Ogata Y, Iimura T, Maruoka Y, Sasaki S. Identification of bone-type alkaline phosphatase mRNA from human periodontal ligament cells. J Dent Res 74, 319- 322, 1995.

9 Sodek J, Kim R, Ogata Y, Li J, Yamauchi M, Zhang Q, Freedman. LP. Regulation of bone sialoprotein gene transcription by steroid hormones. Connect Tissue Res 32 (1-4), 209-217, 1995.

10 Ogata Y, Yamauchi M, Kim R, Li J, Freedman LP, Sodek J. Glucocorticoid regulation of bone sialoprotein (BSP) gene expression. Identification of a glucocorticoid response element in the bone sialoprotein gene promoter. Eur J Biochem 230, 183-192, 1995.

11 Ogata Y, Niisato N, Negishi T, Sakurai T, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Effects of bradykinin on Ca2+ mobilization and prostaglandin E2 release in human periodontal ligament cells. Cell Biol Int 19, 637-645, 1995.

12 Ogata Y, Niisato N, Sakurai T, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Comparison of the characteristics of human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells. J Periodontol 66, 1025-1031, 1995.

13 Sodek J, Li J, Kim R, Ogata Y, Yamauchi M. Characterization of the bone sialoprotein (BSP) gene promoter. Connect Tissue Res 35(1-4), 23-31[77-85], 1996.

14 Niisato N, Ogata Y, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Histamine H1 receptor-stimulated Ca2+ signaling pathway in human periodontal ligament cells. J Perio Res 31, 113-119, 1996.

15 Kim R, Li J, Ogata Y, Yamauchi M, Freedman LP, Sodek J. Identification of a vitamin D3-response element that overlaps a unique inverted TATA box in the rat bone sialoproteingene. Biochem J 318, 219-226, 1996.

16 Yamauchi M, Ogata Y, Kim R, Li J, Freedman LP, Sodek J. AP-1 regulation of the rat bone sialoprotein gene transcription is mediated through a TPA response element within a glucocorticoid response unit in the gene promoter. Matrix Biol  15, 119-130, 1996.

17 Niisato N, Ogata Y, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Histamine H1 receptor-induced Ca2+ mobilization and prostaglandin E2 release in human gingival fibroblasts. Possible role of receptor-operated Ca2+ influx. Biochem Pharmacol 52, 1015-1023, 1996.

18 Ogata Y, Niisato N, Moriwaki K, Yokota Y, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Cementum, root dentin and bone extracts stimulates chemotactic behavior in cells from periodontal tissue. Comp Biochem Physiol 116B, 359-365, 1997.

19 Ogata Y, Niisato N, Furuyama S, Cheifetz S, Kim R, Sugiya H, Sodek J. Transforming growth factor-1 regulation of bone sialoprotein gene transcription: Identification of a TGF- activation element in the rat BSP gene promoter. J Cell Biochem 65, 501-512, 1997.

20 Niisato N, Ogata Y, Nakao S, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Bradykinin regulates the histamine-induced Ca2+ mobilization via protein kinase C activation in human gingival fibroblasts. Cell Calcium 21, 345-352, 1997.

21 小方頼昌,中尾寿美,守屋芳子 ヒト歯肉線維芽細胞における重金属イオンによるプロスタグランジンE2産生 日本歯科保存学雑誌 40, 1008-1013, 1997.

22 小方頼昌,大峰浩隆,山下利明,鈴木邦夫,葛西一貴 矯正治療後の歯肉退縮に対応した遊離歯肉移植術と歯肉弁歯冠側移動術を行った2症例について 日大口腔科学 24, 313-318, 1998.

23 Li J, Kim R, Zhang Q, Ogata Y, Sodek J. Characteristics of vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) binding to the vitamin D response element (VDRE) in rat bone sialoprotein gene promoter. Eur J Oral Sci 106 (Suppl 1), 408-417, 1998.

24 Ogata Y, Nakao S, Suzuki T, Tsunoda S, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Involvement of prostaglandins in histamine H1 Receptor-operated Ca2+ entry in human gingival fibroblasts. Life Scence 64, PL71-77, 1999.

25 Goseki-Sone M, Iimura T, Takeda K, Nifuji A, Ogata Y, Yanagishita M, Oida S. Expression of mRNA encoding tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase in human dental tissues. Calcif Tissue Int 64, 160-162, 1999.

26 山崎宗与,高瀬俊彦,道家洋子,三浦浩,小方頼昌 吸収性膜を用いたGTR法を行った5症例について 日大口腔科学,25, 516-523, 1999.

27 山崎宗与,佐々木映美,三浦浩,小方頼昌 歯周外科処置時にエナメルマトリックスタンパク質(エムドゲイン)を応用した2症例について 日大口腔科学 25, 524-529, 1999.

28 木場秀夫,小方頼昌,大場茂夫,山本浩嗣 骨切削屑,脱落骨片が骨創傷治癒におよぼす影響 日大口腔科学 25, 450-456 1999.

29 木場秀夫,小方頼昌,宮本泰輔,大場茂夫,吉田仁夫,山本浩嗣 血小板由来成長因子(PDGF)および塩基性線維芽細胞成長因子(bFGF)による骨欠損促進効果 歯科基礎医学会雑誌,41, 556-569, 1999.

30 Nakao S, Ogata Y, Shimizu-Sasaki E, Yamazaki M, Furuyama S, Sugiya H.  Activation of NFκB is necessary for IL-1β-induced cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in human gingival fibroblasts. Mol Cell Biochem. 29, 113-118, 2000.

31 Nakao S, Ogata Y, Modeer T, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Bradykinin potentiates prostaglandin E2 release in the human gingival fibroblasts pretreated with interleukin-1 via Ca2+ mobilization. Eur J Pharmacol 395, 247-253, 2000.

32 小方頼昌,飯島守雄,佐々木映美,加藤仁夫,松本敏彦 メインテナンス期のインプラント頬粘膜に遊離歯肉移植術を行った2症例について 日大歯学 74, 501-505, 2000.

33 小方頼昌,佐々木映美,松田祐子,佐本博,葛西一貴,山崎宗与 骨芽細胞に対する静磁場の効果;静磁場による骨シアロタンパク質の転写の調節  日本歯科保存学雑誌43, 805-811, 2000.

34 Ogata Y, Nakao S, Kim R, Li J, Furuyama S, Sugiya H, Sodek J. Parathyroid hormone regulation of bone sialoprotein (BSP) gene transcription is mediated through a pituitary-specific transcription factor-1 (Pit-1) motif in the rat BSP gene promoter. Matrix Biol 19, 395-407, 2000.

35 Shimizu-Sasaki E, Yamazaki M, Furuyama S, Sugiya H, Sodek J, Ogata Y. Identification of a novel response element in the rat bone sialoprotein (BSP) gene promoter that mediates constitutive and fibroblast growth factor 2-induced expression of BSP. J Biol Chem 276, 5459-5466, 2001.

36 Nakao S, Ogata Y, Modeer T, Segawa M, Furuyama S, H. Sugiya H. Bradykinin induces a rapid cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA via Ca2+ mobilization in human gingival fibroblasts primed with interleukin-1. Cell Calcium 29, 446-453, 2001.

37 Shimizu E, Ogata Y. Activation of bone sialoprotein gene transcription by flavonoids is mediated through an inverted CCAAT box in ROS 17/2.8 cells. J Cell Biochem 86, 35-44, 2002.

38 Ogata Y, Sakurai T, Nakao S, Kuboyama N, Moriwaki K, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. 4-Bromophenacyl bromide induces Ca2+ influx in human gingival fibroblasts. Comp Biochem Physiol Part C 131, 315-322, 2002.

39 佐本博,清水映美,本城祐子,齋藤綾一朗,倉澤俊之,山崎宗与,葛西一貴,小方頼昌 骨芽細胞に対する腫瘍壊死因子(TNF-の影響;TNF-による骨シアロタンパク質の転写の調節  日本歯科保存学雑誌45,21-28, 2002.

40 増永浩,山之内文彦,小方頼昌 Nd:YAGレーザー照射の歯根面および歯肉溝浸出液中のエンドトキシン量に対する効果 日本歯科保存学雑誌45,469-476, 2002.

41 Nakao S, Ogata Y, Shimizu E, Yamazaki M, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)-induced prostaglandin E2 release is mediated by the activation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) transcription via NFκB in human gingival fibroblasts. Mol Cell Biochem 238, 11-18, 2002.

42 Samoto H, Shimizu E, Matsuda-Honjyo Y, Saito R, Yamazaki M, Kasai K, Furuyama S, Sugiya H, Sodek J, Ogata Y. TNF-α suppresses bone sialoprotein (BSP) expression in ROS 17/2.8 cells. J Cell Biochem 87, 313-323, 2002.

43 齋藤綾一朗,佐本博,清水映美,葛西一貴,山崎宗与,小方頼昌 骨シアロタンパク質遺伝子プロモーター中の骨芽細胞特異的発現調節配列の検索 日本歯科保存学雑誌 45,753-761, 2002.

44 横田祐司,小方頼昌 デンタルプレスケールシステムによる咬合力の測定 日本歯科保存学雑誌 45,967-971, 2002.

45 Shimizu-Sasaki E, Yamazaki M, Furuyama S, Sugiya H, Sodek J, Ogata Y. Identification of FGF2-response element in the rat bone sialoprotein gene promoter. Connect Tissue Res 44 (Suppl. 1):103-108, 2003.

46 Segawa M, Nakao S, Ogata Y, Sugiya H, S. Furuyama S. Angiotensin II induces prostaglandin E2 release in human gingival fibroblasts. Life Science 72, 795-803, 2003.

47 Ogata Y, Nakao S, Shimizu E, Matsuda-Honjyo Y, Yamazaki M, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Tyrosine phosphorylation is involved in Ca2+ entry in human gingival fibroblasts. Cell Biol Int 27, 689-693, 2003.

48 稲毛稔彦,蓼沼真樹子,山本達也,坂口豊,中田智子,佐藤吉則,寺門正昭,関和忠信,横瀬勝美,桑田文幸,堀稔,田中博,後藤貫,赤坂守人,小方頼昌,福島一雅,大井田新一郎 マウス顎顔面の発育におけるCbfa1およびBMP-4の局在について 日大歯学 77, 141-149, 2003.

49 山之内文彦,齋藤綾一朗,中山洋平,加藤直子,中嶋祐,佐本博,清水映美,小方頼昌 リポポリサッカライド(LPS)による骨シアロタンパク質の転写の調節 日本歯科保存学雑誌 46, 366-373, 2003.

50 Samoto H, Shimizu E, Matsuda-Honjyo Y, Saito R, Nakao S, Yamazaki M, Furuyama S, Sugiya H, Sodek J, Ogata Y. Prostaglandin E2 stimulates bone sialoprotein (BSP) expression through cAMP and FGF2 response elements in the proximal promoter of the rat BSP gene. J Biol Chem 278, 28659-28667, 2003.

51 Shimizu E, Nakajima Y, Kato N, Nakayama Y, Saito R, Samoto H, Ogata Y. Regulation of Rat Bone Sialoprotein (BSP) Gene Transcription by Enamel Matrix Derivative. J Periodontol 75, 260-267, 2004.

52 Shimizu E, Matsuda-Honjyo Y, Samoto H, Saito R, Nakajima Y, Nakayama Y, Kato N, Yamazaki M, Ogata Y. Static Magnetic Fields-induced Bone Sialoprotein (BSP) Expression Is Mediated through FGF2 Response Element and Pituitary-specific Transcription Factor-1 motif. J Cell Biochem 91, 1183-1196, 2004.

53 小方頼昌 骨シアロタンパク質の転写に対する成長因子の効果と歯周組織再生治療への応用の可能性 日本歯周病学会会誌46, 85-93, 2004.

54 Suzuki A, Ji G, Numabe Y, Muramatsu M, Gomi K, Kanazashi M, Ogata Y, Shimizu E, Shibukawa Y, Ito A, Ito T, Sugaya A, Arai T, Yamada S, Deguchi S, Kamoi K. Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with aggressive periodontitis and severe chronic periodontitis in Japanese. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 317, 887-892, 2004.

55 Nakao S, Ogata Y, Yamamoto Y, Furuyama S, Sugiya H. Platelet-derived growth factor-induced arachidonic acid release for enhancement of prostaglandin E2 synthesis in human gingival fibroblasts pretreated with interleukin-1β. J Cell Biochem 92, 579-590, 2004.

56 Nagano T, Iwata T, Ogata Y, Tanabe T, Gomi K, Fukae M, Arai T, Oida S. Effect of heat treatment on bioactivities of enamel matrix derivatives in human periodontal ligament (HPDL) cells. J Perio Res 39, 249-256, 2004.

57 Nakayama Y, Kato N, Nakajima Y, Shimizu E, Ogata Y. Effect of TNF- on human osteosarcoma cell line Saos2 – TNF-α regulation of bone sialoprotein gene expression in Saos2 osteoblast-like cells. Cell Biol Int 28, 653-660, 2004.

58 増永浩,山之内文彦,加藤直子,中山洋平,中嶋祐,佐本博,小方頼昌 Nd:YAGレーザー照射が歯肉溝浸出液中の細菌性因子に与える効果 日本歯科保存学雑誌48, 250-256, 2005.

59 Shimizu E, Saito R, Nakayama Y, Nakajima Y, Kato N, Takai H, Kim D, Arai M, Simmer J, Ogata Y. Amelogenin stimulates bone sialoprotein (BSP) expression through FGF2 response element and TGF- activation element in the promoter of the BSP gene. J Periodontol 76, 1482-1489, 2005.

60 Kato N, Nakayama Y, Nakajima Y, Samoto H, Saito R, Yamanouchi F, Masunaga H, Shimizu E, Ogata Y. Regulation of Bone Sialoprotein (BSP) Gene Transcription by Lipopolysaccharide. J Cell Biochem 97, 368-379, 2006.

61 Nagano T, Oida S, Suzuki S, Kakegawa A, Ogata Y, Gomi K, Arai T, Fukae M. Effects of Fractionated Enamel Proteins on Human Periodontal Ligament (HPDL) Cells Differentiation. Dentistry in Japan 42, 121-124, 2006.

62 Kato N, Nakajima Y, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Regulation of Bone Sialoprotein Transcription by Enamel Matrix Derivative in C2C12 Myoblasts. Dentistry in Japan 42, 125-128, 2006.

63 Nakajima Y, Kato N, Nakayama Y, Kim D, Takai H, Arai M, Saito R, Samoto H, Shimizu E, Ogata Y.  Effect of Chlorpromazine on Bone Sialoprotein (BSP) Gene Transcription. J Cell Biochem 97, 1198-1206, 2006.

64 Shimizu E, Nakayama Y, Nakajima Y, Kato N, Takai H, Kim D, Arai M, Saito R, Sodek J, Ogata Y. Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 and Cyclic AMP Synergistically Regulate Bone Sialoprotein Gene Expression. Bone 39, 42-52, 2006.

65 Nakayama Y, Nakajima Y, Kato N, Takai H, Kim D, Arai M, Mezawa M, Araki S, Sodek J, Ogata Y. Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Increases Bone Sialoprotein (BSP) Expression Through Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Response Element and Homeodomain Protein-binding Site in the Proximal Promoter of the BSP Gene. J Cell Physiol 208, 326-335, 2006.

66 Nagano T, Oida S, Suzuki S, Iwata T, Yamakoshi Y, Ogata Y, Gomi K, Arai T, Fukae M. Porcine Enamel Protein Fractions Contain Transforming Growth Factor-β1. J Periodontol 77; 1688-1694, 2006.

67 Arai M, Shibata Y, Pugdee K, Abiko Y, Ogata Y. Effects of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) on Antioxidant System and Osteoblastic Differentiation in MC3T3-E1 cells. IUBMB Life 59; 27-33, 2007.

68 大橋顕二郎,鈴木桃子,今荘雅秀,小山朱美,齋藤綾一朗,若林健史,増永浩,小方頼昌 ブレストロンを用いた口臭と臨床パラメーターの関係について 日本歯周病学会会誌 49, 191-197, 2007.

69 高井英樹,小方頼昌 骨シアロタンパク質(BSP)遺伝子の転写に対するアンドドゲン受容体の効果 日本歯周病学会会誌 49, 27-36, 2007.

70 Kim D, Takai H, Arai M, Araki S, Mezawa M, Kawai Y, Murota K, Terao J, Ogata Y. Effects of Quercetin and Quercetin 3-Glucuronide on the Expression of Bone Sialoprotein Gene. J Cell Biochem 101, 790-800, 2007.

71 Takai H, Nakayama Y, Kim D, Arai M, Araki S, Mezawa M, Nakajima Y, Kato N, Masunaga H, Ogata Y. Androgen Receptor stimulates Bone Sialoprotein (BSP) Gene Transcription via cAMP response element and activator protein 1/glucocorticoid response elements. J Cell Biochem 102, 240-251, 2007.

72 Ogata Y. Bone sialoprotein and its transcriptional regulatory mechanism. J Perio Res 43, 127-135, 2008.

73 Takai H, Araki S, Mezawa M, Kim D, Li X, Yang L, Li Z, Wang Z, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. AP1 Binding Site is Another Target of FGF2 Regulation of Bone Sialoprotein Gene Transcription. Gene 410, 97-104, 2008.

74 佐々木庸子,荒木正大,目澤優,Z. Wang,金子博寿,小方頼昌 骨シアロタンパク質(BSP)の転写調節に対するCO2レーザーの効果 日本歯周病学会会誌50, 176-184, 2008.

75 Araki S, Mezawa M, Sasaki Y, Yang L, Li Z, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Parathyroid hormone regulation of the human bone sialoprotein gene transcription is mediated through two cAMP response elements. J. Cell. Biochem. 106, 618-625, 2009.

76 Mezawa M, Araki S, Takai H, Sasaki Y, Wang S, Li X, Kim D, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Regulation of human bone sialoprotein gene transcription by platelet-derived growth factor-BB. Gene 435, 80-87, 2009.

77 Nakao S, Ogata Y, Sugiya H. Nicotine stimulates the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA via NFκB activation in human gingival fibroblasts. Arch Oral Biol 54, 251-257, 2009.

78 Nakayama Y, Mezawa M, Araki S, Sasaki Y, Wang S, Han J, Li X, Takai H,, Ogata Y. Nicotine Suppresses Bone Sialoprotein (BSP) Gene Expression. J Perio Res 44,657-663, 2009.

79 Han J, Okada H, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Maeda T, Ogata Y. Collection and Culture of Alveolar Bone Marrow Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Older Individuals. J Cell Biochem 107, 1198-1204, 2009.

80 Suzuki M, Ogata Y. Classification of single tooth edentulous ridges with augmentation. Recommendations for dental implant treatment. J Imp Adv Clin Dent 1(3), 55-61, 2009.

81 Wang Z, Li X, Li Z, Yang L, Sasaki Y, Wang S, Zhou L, Araki S, Mezawa M, Takai H, Ogata Y. Effects of Inorganic Polyphosphate on Bone Sialoprotein Gene Expression. Gene 452, 79-86, 2010.

82 Li Z, Wang Z, Yang L, Li X, Sasaki Y, Wang S, Araki S, Mezawa M, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Fibroblast growth factor 2 regulates bone sialoprotein gene transcription in human breast cancer cells. J Oral Sci. 52, 125-132, 2010.

83 Li X, Wang Z, Yang L, Li Z, Ogata Y. Endothelin-1 regulates rat bone sialoprotein gene transcription. J Oral Sci 52, 221-229, 2010.

84 Yang L, Li Z, Li X, Wang Z, Wang S, Sasaki Y, Takai H, Ogata Y. Butyric acid stimulates bone sialoprotein gene transcription. J Oral Sci 52, 231-237, 2010.

85 Li X, Kato N, Mezawa M, Li Z, Wang Z, Yang L, Sasaki Y, Kaneko T, Takai H, Yoshimura A, Ogata Y. Transcriptional Regulation of Bone Sialoprotein Gene by Porphyromonas gingivalis Lipopolysaccharide. J Cell Biochem 110, 823-833, 2010.

86 Yang L, Takai H, Utsunomiya T, Li X, Li Z, Wang Z, Wang S, Sasaki Y, Yamamoto H, Ogata Y. Kaempferol stimulates bone sialoprotein gene transcription and new bone formation. J Cell Biochem 110, 1342-1355, 2010.

87 Nakayama Y, Yang L, Mezawa M, Araki, S Li Z, Wang Z, Sasaki Y, Takai H, Nakao S, Fukae M, Ogata Y. Effects of porcine 25 kDa amelogenin and its proteolytic derivatives on bone sialoprotein expression. J Perio Res 45,602-611, 2010.

88 Masunaga H, Tsutae W, Oh H, Shinozuka N, Kishimoto N, Ogata Y. Use of quantitative PCR to evaluate methods of bacteria sampling in periodontal patients. J Oral Sci 52, 615-621, 2010.

89 Li Z, Sasaki Y, Mezawa M, Wang S, Li X, Yang L, Wang Z, Zhou L, Araki S, Matsumura H, Takai H, Ogata Y. cAMP and Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Regulate Bone Sialoprotein Gene Expression in Human Prostate Cancer Cells. Gene 471, 1-12, 2011.

90 Sasaki Y, Wang S, Ogata Y. Transcriptional regulation of bone sialoprotein gene by CO2 laser irradiation. J Oral Sci. 53, 51-59, 2011.

91 Wang S, Sasaki Y, Ogata Y. Calcium hydroxide regulates bone sialoprotein gene transcription in human osteoblast-like Saos2 cells. J Oral Sci 53, 77-86, 2011.

92 Kitamura M, Akamatsu M, Machigashira M, Hara Y, Sakagami R, Hirofuji T, Hamachi T, Maeda K, Yokota M, Kido J, Nagata T, Kurihara H, Takashiba S, Shibutani T, Fukuda M, Noguchi T, Yamazaki K, Yoshie H, Ioroi K, Arai T, Nakagawa T, Ito K, Oda S, Izumi Y, Ogata Y, Yamada S, Shimauchi H, Kunimatsu K, Kawanami M, Fujii T, Furuichi Y, Furuuchi T, Sasano T, Imai E, Omae M, Yamada S, Watanuki M, Murakami S. FGF-2 stimulates periodontal regeneration: results of a multi-center randomized clinical trial. J Dent Res 90, 35-40, 2011.

93 Wang S, Sasaki Y, Zhou L, Matsumura H, Araki S, Mezawa M, Takai H, Chen Z, Ogata Y. Transcriptional regulation of bone sialoprotein gene by interleukin-11. Gene 476, 46-55, 2011.

94 Ogata Y, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Fukae M. Function of Amelogenins in Periodontal Regeneration Induced by Enamel Matrix Derivative. J Oral Biosci 53, 267-274, 2011.

95 Matsuki-Fukushima M, Hashimoto S, Murakami M, Ogata Y, Fujita-Yoshigaki J, Narita T, Sugiya H. The actin-specific reagent jasplakinolide induces apoptosis in primary rat parotid acinar cells. Arch Oral Biol 57(5):567-576, 2012.

96 北村 正博, 古市 保志, 藤井 健男, 川浪 雅光, 國松 和司, 島内 英俊, 山田 了, 小方 頼昌, 和泉 雄一, 伊藤 公一, 中川 種昭, 新井 髙, 山崎 和久, 吉江 弘正, 野口 俊英, 渋谷 俊昭, 高柴 正悟, 栗原 英見, 永田 俊彦, 横田 誠, 前田 勝正, 廣藤 卓雄, 坂上 竜資, 原 宜興, 野口 和行, 小笠原 健文, 村上 伸也 歯周炎罹患歯に対するFGF-2投与の長期的効果および安全性の検討 日本歯周病学会会誌 54;38-45, 2012

97 Li X, Zhou L, Takai H, Sasaki Y, Mezawa M, Li Z, Wang Z, Yang L, Wang S, Matsumura H, Kaneko T, Yoshimura A, Ogata Y. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide regulates bone sialoprotein gene transcription. J Cell Biochem 113, 2822-2834, 2012.

98 Sato K, Yoshimura A, Kaneko T, Ukai T, Ozaki Y, Nakamura H, Li X, Matsumura H, Hara Y, Ogata Y. A single nucleotide polymorphism in 3′-untranslated region contribute to the regulation of Toll-like receptor 4 translation. J Biol Chem 287, 25163-25172, 2012.

99 Imai K, Ogata Y, Ochiai K. Microbial interaction of periodontopathic bacteria and Epstein-Barr virus and their implication of periodontal diseases. J Oral Biosci 54, 164-168, 2012.

100 辰巳順一、申基喆、児玉利朗、日下部善胤、太田幹夫、佐藤秀一、石原裕一、久保田健彦、佐瀬聡良、長谷川嘉昭、廣瀬哲之、小方頼昌、伊藤公一、吉江弘正 日本歯周病学会会員のインプラント治療に関するアンケート調査報告 日本歯周病学会会誌 54, 265-276, 2012

101 Nakayama Y, Yang L, Takai H, Kaneko H, Abiko Y, Ogata Y. Fibroblast growth factor 2 and forskolin induce mineralization-associated genes in two kinds of osteoblast-like cells. J Oral Sci 54, 251-259, 2012.

102 Kudo C, Naruishi K, Maeda H, Abiko Y, Hino T, Iwata M, Mitsuhashi C, Murakami S, Nagasawa T, Nagata T, Yoneda S, Nomura Y, Noguchi T, Numabe Y, Ogata Y, Sato T, Shimauchi H, Yamazaki K, Yoshimura A, Takashiba S. Assessment of the plasma/serum IgG test to screen for periodontitis. J Dent Res 91, 1190-1195, 2012.

103 Zhou L, Matsumura H, Mezawa M, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Mitarai M, Ogata Y. Protamine stimulates bone sialoprotein gene expression. Gene 516, 228-237, 2013.

104 Zhou L, Ogata Y. Transcriptional regulation of human bone sialoprotein gene by fibroblast growth factor 2. J Oral Sci 55, 63-70, 2013.

105 Kato A, Imai K, Ochiai K, Ogata Y. Higher Prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus DNA in Deeper Periodontal Pockets of Chronic Periodontitis in Japanese Patients. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 26;8(8):e71990. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071990.

106 Takai H, Mezawa M, Choe Jin, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Osteogenic Transcription Factors and Proto-oncogene Regulate Bone Sialoprotein Gene Transcription. J Oral Sci 55, 209-215, 2013.

107 Kaneko H, Kim DS, Ogata Y. Forskolin Regulates Bone Sialoprotein Gene Expression in Human Breast Cancer Cells. Int J Oral-Med Sci 12, 196-203, 2013.

108 Ito H, Numabe Y, Sekino S, Murakashi E, Iguchi H, Hashimoto S, Sasaki D, Yaegashi T, Kunimatsu K, Takai H, Mezawa M, Ogata Y, Watanabe H, Hagiwara S, Izumi Y, Hiroshima Y, Kido JI, Nagata T. Evaluation of bleeding on probing and gingival crevicular fluid enzyme activity for detection of periodontally active sites during supportive periodontal therapy. Odontology 102, 50-56, 2014.

109 Matsumura H, Ogata Y. Melatonin regulates human bone sialoprotein gene transcription. J Oral Sci 56, 67-76, 2014.

110 岡野千春、大橋顕二郎、鈴木桃子、小山朱美、高井英樹、小方頼昌 エムドゲイン®ゲルを用いた歯周組織再生療法の臨床パラメーターとX線写真の比較検討 日本歯周病学会会誌 56, 32-38, 2014

111 Takai H, Matsumura H, Matsui S, Kim KM, Mezawa M, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Unliganded estrogen receptor a stimulates bone sialoprotein gene expression. Gene 539, 50-57, 2014.

112 Nakayama Y, Takai H, Matsui S, Zhou L, Abiko Y, Ganss B, Ogata Y. Transcriptional regulation of amelotin gene by proinflammatory cytokines in gingival fibroblasts. Connect Tissue Res 55 Suppl 1, 18-20, 2014. doi: 10.3109/03008207.2014.923848.

113 小方 頼昌, 加藤 彩子, 今井 健一, 落合 邦康 細菌・ヘルペスウイルス共感染による歯周病進行の可能性 日本歯周病学会会誌 56, 267-271, 2014

114 Ogata Y, Matsui S, Kato A, Zhou L, Nakayama Y, Takai H. MicroRNA expression in inflamed and noninflamed gingival tissues from Japanese patients. J Oral Sci 56, 253-260, 2014.

115 Nakayama Y, Takai H, Matsui S, Matsumura H, Zhou L, Kato A, Ganss Bernhard, Ogata Y. Proinflammatory cytokines induce amelotin transcription in human gingival fibroblasts. J Oral Sci 56, 262-268, 2014.

116 武井美佑紀,中山洋平,豊嶋泉,廣松勇樹,池田寛,小方頼昌 歯周基本治療および歯周外科治療前後における臨床パラメーターとアスパラギン酸アミノトランスフェラーゼ量の比較検討 日本歯周病学会会誌 56, 390-398, 2014

117 若林健史,中山洋平,小方頼昌 紫外線励起酸素種と紫外線による殺菌システムの効果の検討 日本歯周病学会会誌 56, 399-405, 2014.

118 Kim KM, Wang Z, Kato A, Ogata Y. Effects of Thalidomide on Bone Sialoprotein Gene Transcription. Int J Oral-Med Sci 13(2): 35-44, 2014.

119 Matsumura H, Nakayama Y, Takai H, Ogata Y. Effects of interleukin-11 on the expression of human bone sialoprotein gene expression. J Bone Miner Metab 33(2), 142-153, 2015. Doi: 10.1007/s00774-014-0576-8, 2014.

120 Kato A, Imai K, Ochiai K, Ogata Y. Prevalence and quantitative analysis of Epstein – Barr virus DNA and Porphyromonas gingivalis associated with Japanese chronic periodontitis patients. Clin Oral Invest 19, 1605-1610, 2015. DOI 10.1007/s00784-014-1387-y

121 Shimabukuro Y, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y, Tamazawa K, Shimauchi H, Nishida T, Ito K, Chikazawa T, Kataoka S, Murakami S. Effects of an ascorbic Acid-derivative dentifrice in patients with gingivitis: a double-masked, randomized, controlled clinical trial. J Periodontol 86(1):27-35, 2015. doi: 10.1902/jop.2014.140138.

122 Oh H, Hirano J, Takai H, Ogata Y. Effects of periodontal initial therapy on interleukin-1β levels in gingival crevicular fluid and clinical periodontal parameters. J Oral Sci 57, 67-71, 2015.  doi: 10.2334/josnusd.57.67.

123 Imamura K, Takayama S, Saito A, Inoue E, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y, Shirakawa S, Nagano T, Gomi K, Morozumi T, Akiishi K,Watanabe K, Yoshie H. Evaluation of a novel immunochromatographic device for rapid and accurate clinical detection of Porphyromonas gingivalis in subgingival plaque. J Microbiol Methods 117, 4-10, 2015.  doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2015.07.002.

124 Choe J, Sasaki Y, Zhou L, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Insulin-like growth factor-II regulates bone sialoprotein gene transcription. Odontology. 104(3):271-281, 2016.

125 高井英樹、相羽悠喜子、蔦森麻衣、廣松勇樹、加藤彩子、丹野努、中山洋平、小方頼昌.サンゴ焼成カルシウム含有洗口剤のプラークおよび歯周組織に対する効果 日本歯科保存誌 59, 219-227, 2016.

126 Morozumi T, Nakagawa T, Nomura Y, Sugaya T, Kawanami M, Suzuki F, Takahashi K, Abe Y, Sato S, Makino-Oi A, Saito A, Takano S, Minabe M, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y, Kobayashi H, Izumi Y, Sugano N, Ito K, Sekino S, Numabe Y, Fukaya C, Yoshinari N, Fukuda M, Noguchi T, Kono T, Umeda M, Fujise O, Nishimura F, Yoshimura A, Hara Y, Nakamura T, Noguchi K, Kakuta E, Hanada N, Takashiba S, Yoshie H. Salivary pathogen and serum antibody to assess the progression of chronic periodontitis: a 24-mo prospective multicenter cohort study. J Periodontal Res 51, 768-778, 2016. Jan 20. doi: 10.1111/jre.12353. [Epub ahead of print]

127 Kitamura M, Akamatsu M, Kawanami M, Furuichi Y, Fujii T, Mori M, Kunimatsu K, Shimauchi H, Ogata Y, Yamamoto M, Nakagawa T, Sato S, Ito K, Ogasawara T, Izumi Y, Gomi K, Yamazaki K, Yoshie H, Fukuda M, Noguchi T, Takashiba S, Kurihara H, Nagata T, Hamachi T, Maeda K, Yokota M, Sakagami R, Hara Y, Noguchi K, Furuuchi T, Sasano T, Imai E, Ohmae M, Koizumi H, Watanuki M, Murakami S. Randomized placebo-controlled and controlled non-Inferiority phase III trials comparing trafermin, a recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 2, and enamel matrix derivative in periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects. J Bone Miner Res 31, 806-814, 2016. Nov 7. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.2738.

128 Matsui S, Ogata Y. Effects of miR-223 on expression of IL-1β and IL-6 in human gingival fibroblasts. J Oral Sci 58, 101-108, 2016. doi: 10.2334/josnusd.58.101.

129 Nakayama Y, Ogata Y, Hiromatsu Y, Imamura K, Suzuki E, Saito A, Shirakawa S, Nagano T, Gomi K, Morozumi T, Watanabe K, Akiishi K, Yoshie H. Clinical Usefulness of a Novel immunochromatographic detection device for Porphyromonas gingivalis in evaluating the effects of scaling and root planing and local antimicrobial therapy. J Periodontol 87, 1238-1247, 2016.

130 Ito H, Numabe Y, Hashimoto S, Sekino S, Murakashi E, Ishiguro H, Sasaki D, Yaegashi T, Takai H, Mezawa M, Ogata Y, Watanabe H, Hagiwara S, Izumi Y, Hiroshima Y, Kido JI, Nagata T, Kunimatsu K. Correlation between GCF Hemoglobin Content and Periodontal Clinical Parameters. J Periodontol 87, 1314-1319, 2016.

131 Nakayama Y, Matsui S, Noda K, Yamazaki M, Iwai Y, Matsumura H, Izawa T, Tanaka E, Ganss B, Ogata Y. Amelotin Gene Expression is Temporarily being Upregulated at the Initiation of Apoptosis Induced by TGFβ1 in Mouse Gingival Epithelial Cells. Apoptosis 21, 1057-1070, 2016.

132 Ogata Y, Nakayama Y, Tatsumi J, Kubota T, Sato S, Nishida T, Takeuchi Y, Onitsuka T, Sakagami R, Nozaki T, Murakami S, Matsubara N, Tanaka M, Yoshino T, Ota J, Nakagawa T, Ishihara Y, Ito T, Saito A, Yamaki K, Matsuzaki E, Hidaka T, Sasaki D, Yaegashi T, Yasuda T, Shibutani T, Noguchi K, Araki H, Ikumi N, Aoyama Y, Kogai H, Nemoto K, Deguchi S, Takiguchi T, Yamamoto M, Inokuchi K, Ito T, Kado T, Furuichi Y, Kanazashi M, Gomi K, Takagi Y, Kubokawa K, Yoshinari N, Hasegawa Y, Hirose T, Sase T, Arita H, Kodama T, Shin K, Izumi Y, Yoshie H. Prevalence and risk factors for peri-implant diseases in Japanese adult dental patients. J Oral Sci 59, 1-11, 2017.

133 Nakayama Y, Kobayashi R, Matsui S, Matsumura H, Iwai Y, Noda K, Yamazaki M, Kurita-Ochiai T, Yoshimura A, Shinomura T, Ganss B, Ogata Y. Localization and expression pattern of amelotin, odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein and follicular dendritic cell-secreted protein in the junctional epithelium of inflamed gingiva. Odontology 105(3), 329-337, 2017.

134 Nakayama Y, Matsui S, Noda K, Yamazaki M, Iwai Y, Matsumura H, Izawa T, Tanaka E, Ganss B, Ogata Y. Amelotin Gene Expression is Temporarily being Upregulated at the Initiation of Apoptosis Induced by TGFβ1 in Mouse Gingival Epithelial Cells. Apoptosis 21, 1057-1070, 2016.

135 Kakuta E, Nomura Y, Morozumi T, Nakagawa T, Nakamura T, Noguchi K, Yoshimura A, Hara Y, Fujise O, Nishimura F, Kono T, Umeda M, Fukuda M, Noguchi T, Yoshinari N, Fukaya C, Sekino S, Numabe Y, Sugano N, Ito K, Kobayashi H, Izumi Y, Takai H, Ogata Y, Takano S, Minabe M, Makino-Oi A, Saito A, Abe Y, Sato S, Suzuki F, Takahashi K, Sugaya T, Kawanami M, Hanada N, Takashiba S, Yoshie H. Assessing the progression of chronic periodontitis using subgingival pathogen levels: a 24-month prospective multicenter cohort study. BMC Oral Health 17, 46, 2017.

136 Nomura Y, Morozumi T, Nakagawa T, Sugaya T, Kawanami M, Suzuki F, Takahashi K, Abe Y, Sato S, Makino-Oi A, Saito A, Takano S, Minabe M, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y, Kobayashi H, Izumi Y, Sugano N, Ito K, Sekino S, Numabe Y, Fukaya C, Yoshinari N, Fukuda M, Noguchi T, Kono T, Umeda M, Fujise O, Nishimura F, Yoshimura A, Hara Y, Nakamura T, Noguchi K, Kakuta E, Hanada N, Takashiba S, Amitani Y, Yoshie H. Site-level progression of periodontal disease during a follow-up period. PLoS One 12, e0188670, 2017.

137 Kato A, Imai K, Sato H, Ogata Y. Prevalence of Epstein-Barr virus DNA and Porphyromonas gingivalis in Japanese peri-implantitis patients. BMC Oral Health 17, 148, 2017.

138 小方頼昌.歯周病の発症と進行へのmiRNAの役割.日本歯周誌 59, 1-8, 2017.

139 大沢聖子、小方頼昌、堀畑聡、伊藤孝訓、三枝禎、渋谷鑛. 「N.グランドデザイン」に基づいた新入生オリエンテーションの改善. 日大口腔科学 43, 134-141, 2017.

140 Wang S, Noda K, Yang Y, Shen Z, Chen Z, Ogata Y. Calcium hydroxide regulates transcription of the bone sialoprotein gene via a calcium-sensing receptor in osteoblast-like ROS 17/2.8 cells. Eur J Oral Sci 126, 13-23, 2018.

141 Nakayama Y, Takei-Obi M, Toyoshima-Matsumura I, Tsutamori M, Kato A, Okano C, Mezawa M, Ogata Y. Clinical usability of aspartate aminotransferase to evaluate the prognosis of periodontal regeneration therapies: prospective, longitudinal study. Odontology 106, 306-315, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s10266-017-0328-z.

142 Yamazaki M, Iwai Y, Noda K, Matsui S, Kato A, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Tumor necrosis factor-α stimulates human amelotin gene transcription in gingival epithelial cells. Inflammation Res 67, 351-361, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s00011-017-1126-3.

143 Iwai Y, Noda K, Yamazaki M, Kato A, Mezawa M, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Tumor necrosis factor-α regulates human follicular dendritic cell-secreted protein gene transcription in gingival epithelial cells. Genes Cells. 23, 161-171, 2018. doi: 10.1111/gtc.12561.

144 Nakayama Y, Matsui S, Noda K, Yamazaki M, Iwai Y, Ganss B, Ogata Y. TGFβ1-induced Amelotin gene expression is downregulated by Bax expression in mouse gingival epithelial cells. J Oral Sci   60, 232-241, 2018. doi: 10.2334/josnusd.17-0271.

145 Yamazaki M, Mezawa M, Noda K, Iwai Y, Matsui S, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. Transcriptional regulation of human amelotin gene by interleukin-1β. FEBS Open Bio 8, 974-985, 2018. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.12434.

146 Noda K, Yamazaki M, Iwai Y, Matsui S, Kato A, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Ogata Y. IL-1β and TNF-α regulate mouse amelotin gene transcription in gingival epithelial cells. J Oral Sci 60, 388-398, 2018.

147 Iwai Y, Noda K, Yamazaki M, Mezawa M, Takai H, Nakayama Y, Kitagawa M, Takata T, Ogata Y. Effects of interleukin-1β on human follicular dendritic cell secreted protein gene expression in periodontal ligament cells. J Oral Sci in press.

148 Mayumi Hayata, Norihisa Watanabe, Noriaki Kamio, Muneaki Tamura, Keiko Nodomi, Kiyotaka Tanaka, Arunasiri Iddamalgoda, Tsuda Hiromasa, Yorimasa Ogata, Shuichi Sato, Kouichiro Ueda, Kenichi Imai. Cynaropicrin from Cynara scolymus L. suppresses Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS-induced production of inflammatory cytokines in human gingival fibroblasts and RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation in RAW264.7 cells. J Natural Med in press. DOI: 10.1007/s11418-018-1250-6

149 Matsui S, Zhou L, Nakayama Y, Mezawa M, Kato A, Suzuki N, Tanabe N, Nakayama T, Suzuki Y, Kamio N, Takai H, Ogata Y. MiR-200b attenuates IL-6 production through IKKβ and ZEB1 in human gingival fibroblasts. Inflamm Res. 2018 Dec;67(11-12):965-973. doi: 10.1007/s00011-018-1192-1.

150 Nakayama Y, Tsuruya Y, Noda K, Yamazaki-Takai M, Iwai Y, Ganss B, Ogata Y. Negative feedback by SNAI2 regulates TGFβ1-induced amelotin gene transcription in epithelial-mesenchymal transition. J Cell Physiol. 2018 Nov 29. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27804.